Name you desire to be called
Real Name
Birth Date
E-mail address
State or Country where you currently reside
When did you first realize your submissive nature?
What is the size of your manhood? 4 inches or less 5 inches 6 inches 7 inches 8 inches 9 inches or above
With 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest, rate your pain tolerance?
The following are the most requested activities that I enjoy doing to my submissives. Rate these from 1 to 10 with 10 meaning you enjoy this activity the most. If you are interested in an activity that I do not have listed here, explain it to me in the fantasy question.
Nipple Torture
Hot Candle Wax
Enema Play
Tell me about any limits you have. Criminal activities such as anything involving animals or children are out of the question. I also do not do scat play. Can you have marks?
If you have any medical problems, please list them here. Are you taking any medications? Do you have any allergies?
Tell me anything else you think I should know.
Briefly tell me your fantasy of what your session would be, how you are dressed, how I am dressed and what is taking place.
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