I have done a lot of research and I have found the solution to my problems. Stenum Hospital in Bremen, Germany is able to do the surgery to fix my back. Stenum Hospital provides the most advanced Disc Replacement solutions and implants available worldwide. I am sure you are wondering why the United States doesn't offer this treatment. The answer is very simple. The FDA requires animal testing for many years prior to human testing for any results to be used for FDA approval. Since we are the only animal that walks upright, Germany doesn't do animal testing on disc replacement surgery. While this makes perfect sense to us, it doesn't follow FDA guidelines, so we do not have this advance technology available in the United States.
Typical time frame for my surgery is a total of 14 days = arrival day + 1 pre-op day+ 5 post-op days in the hospital + 7 hotel days. ADR surgery for single segmental Lumbar or Cervical ADR, includes; ●1 pre-operative hospital days for evaluation and consultation. ●All costs associated with the ADR surgery (implant, surgeons, anesthesia, etc..). ●Postoperative hospital stay 5-7 days, as needed to remove all of the pain medication from my system. ●Additional, 7 post-op days at the Park Hotel/Hilton Hotel in Bremen (2 persons, including breakfast buffet) ●All consultations, x-rays and medications. ●Postoperative physiotherapy. I will need to pay for the things not included in the hospital costs, which is my flight, lodging for early arrival prior to admission to hospital, lodging for family members while I am in the hospital, and meals while at the hotel in town. I have been working on this portion already. I have my flight using frequent flyer miles donated. I will also be working on places for my Rachael to stay while I am in the hospital. I am very fortunate that I have many friends in Germany that are willing to help. Here is where your help is needed. I will be holding local fund raising efforts, but so many of my friends and fans are not local. I spent many years traveling all over the United States learning from some of the best people in the lifestyle. I then brought back this safety information to make sure that the people in Iowa were also playing safely. For all of the many friends I met in my travels who want to help, you can send gifts to help pay for the surgery to msrobin_52@msn.com using Pay Pal. I consider all gifts very generous, no matter their size. I believe that I will be able to meet my goals with the help of family, friends and especially the BDSM community. I have been amazed at the outpouring from the BDSM community to help. To this date, I have not received the funds to have my surgery. Please do your best to assist me.
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